Thursday, April 16, 2009

Well it's been a busy month for me, working on my website, social book marking (Thank you hunny) and working out what I want to write. Well I've been working on the Airfix Beaufighter, gods I thought I wasn't that badly affected by A.M.S. (Advanced modelers syndrome), however after working on the observer/gunners position and cockpit I wonder if I'm more badly affected than I realize! See my album on Flickr and my website to see my progress.

Well I've got the Beaufighter together, painted, decaled, and weathered all I need to do to finish it is give a couple of thin coats of matte varnish, well I go to my paints and pull out what I think is matte varnish only to find its matte base, now matte base is a wonderful thing add it to a gloss paint and it'll turn it matte! But it IS NOT a varnish! So I have a trip to my favourite model store to pick up a tin or two of matte varnish!

I want to finish this project so I can start my next one, which is going to be an ICM 1/72nd scale Me109-E7 Trop. Now I don't know if you've seen the colour picture of two Me109-E7 over the north African Desert and how they just blend into the back ground? If not check out the book cover of Luftwaffe at war "Eagles over North Africa and the Mediterranean 1940-1943" there is an Me109-E7 on the cover in exactly that camouflage.

It's the camouflage that interests me as I'll have to use masks to create it and give it that hard edge look to it. Not a skill I currently have and it will be interesting to learn how to do it and share that knowledge with you all!

Hmmm okay guys and gals (Yes there a few of you out there who share my passion) I guess that'll do for now till later then!

Happy modeling


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